Agile Squad Organization Models

Organizing people so they can achieve more than the sum of their parts is really hard. I've spent a good portion of my life working on this problem, so here are some thoughts on the matter.
agile org design organizational models

Agile Squad Organizational Model

TL:DR - An example set of guiding principles for an agile squad organizational model Source Document:

Photo by [Marvin Meyer]

Scanned Front Page of Lego Robotics Book

Photo by Marvin Meyer / Unsplash

Why does this exist?

Organizing people so they can achieve more than the sum of their parts is really hard. I’ve spent a good portion of my life working on this problem, so here are some thoughts on the matter. There are amazing amounts of writings about Agile, and the manifesto. While this is not the only, or even the right interpretation, or even the only interpretation I hold. I thought it would be at least helpful to me, to write some thoughts, and observances down in principles and outcomes. I’ll revisit this over time to continue to add additional thoughts, so consider it an incomplete WIP. If you’d like to contribute, PRs/dialogue is welcome over at the github repository for this document. The latest accepted version will be updated regularly on my website:

Problem Statement:

To further the goals of creating a repeatable, robust and scalable global business it is important to describe the principles, and strategy for organizing people. This document sets the goal of describing the form and function of the macro-organizational design and principles that should be considered when structuring or expanding the organization. This document is a living document and should be revisited and used as a basis to propose changes. There will be exceptions to the model, but this is meant to provide guidance and clarity on common patterns that should be used when the business condition supports it.


Principles In Practice

Below is a minimal example Organizational Diagram showing Squad Membership and organization design likely to be found in a given office.

Example Org Design for squads

The following diagram expands to show a more complex picture that describes Functional Teams and Squads together.

Example Meta Org Design